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At Flourish and Company, Holistic Health Practitioner, Melanie Copeland, incorporates Zyto technology as a guide to client’s overall health as well as to scan for stressors in the body and balancers that can help the body gain control over these stressors.

Many health challenges are a result of emotional trauma that needs healing. At Flourish and Company, we also address the emotional side to healing using the Evox (perception reframing) technology from Zyto.

1. Some decisions in life can be difficult, but decisions about staying healthy should never be difficult. ZYTO technology bypasses the guesswork and allows you to make easy decisions regarding your health. Call us today to schedule your ZYTO scan.


2. ZYTO Balance software is usually where we start to give us an idea of your overall health.


3. Looking for a more effective way to manage your body’s needs? Using ZYTO technology, we can discover your body’s biological coherence so we can improve your health and wellness today. For more information about ZYTO technology, or to schedule your first scan, contact us today.


4. Contact us today to see how you can get a ZYTO scan from anywhere with an Internet connection using the ZYTO Remote app!


5. Your body is constantly changing. You need help to keep up with these needs. We use ZYTO technology to help you maintain the highest levels of wellness possible. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you.


6. We use ZYTO technology to help you make the best decisions for your health and wellness. Contact us today to learn what ZYTO technology is and how it works.


7. Are you looking to improve relationships, overcome addictions, improve your athletic performance or achieve your goals? EVOX technology can help you to clear emotional blockages that may be holding you back. When we change the way we see the world around us, we can decide the type of person we want to be. Call us today to schedule your first session. (601-697-4259).

6 Reasons Why You Should Get a ZYTO Biocommunication Scan Here are 6 reasons why it’s a good idea to get regular ZYTO scans.

1. Insight into your wellness reports from your ZYTO scan provide you with information that may help you make individual wellness choices. Identifying Virtual Items to which you have an unusual response may give you and your wellness professional insight to keep you functioning at an optimal state.


2. Identify your biological coherence for nutrition. Does one size fit all when it comes to nutritional support? Of course not! ZYTO scans identify your body’s unique responses. Knowing your biological coherence helps you and your wellness professional choose the nutritional supplements that will support your individual health and wellness needs.


3. Save money There are many good nutritional supplements, but you probably don’t need them all. Knowing your biological coherence helps you to choose products that are right for you. Choosing the right supplements means your investment is more likely to pay off, providing you the benefits you need and saving money on things you don’t need.


4. Target specific areas from energy to weight management to longevity and more. A  ZYTO scan can assist you in whatever area of wellness you are looking to improve in. Virtual Items in the ZYTO software are categorized in different wellness areas, so you can scan for only those categories that are relevant to you and your goals with the guidance of your practitioner.


5. Track your wellness. ZYTO scans give you information “in the moment.” Tracking your scans over time can be beneficial, allowing you to identify trends or long-term patterns that you will want to pay particular attention to. Keeping track of your past can help you predict the future, and reviewing your past ZYTO reports gives you essentially a look back through time.


6. Get peace of mind. Worrying about your health or the health of a loved one can be incredibly stressful. ZYTO scan reports introduce a new perspective about your unique biological coherence, enabling a more complete picture of wellness. Knowing more about your individual wellness can make all the difference, giving you an added measure of peace.


Ask us to help you choose which ZYTO biocommunication scan is right for you.

Make an appointment today!

Let ZYTO help you get more out of life!


​How EVOX Perception Reframing Can Improve your Health, Relationships, and Performance

The EVOX experience opens you to new ways of seeing things, it’s called perception reframing. Old perceptions that may be stuck and damaging are released and you become free to choose better ways. When you speak, your voice carries the energy of how you perceive or see the topic you are speaking about. The EVOX records your voice energy and plots it on a graph called a Perception Index (PI). The EVOX then uses your PI to determine frequency signatures that are most useful to you. It then sends those signatures to the Hand Cradle as electrical impulses, while you listen to relaxing music and think about the topic you are speaking of. Perception Reframing can positively impact any aspect of: 1. Personal Health – Health conditions involve perception, and reframing perception on health issues may improve the way you feel. 2. Interpersonal Relationships – A better relationship with your spouse, dealing with a problem child, or enjoying your time with coworkers. 3. Personal Performance – Improve your sports performance, increase your ability to focus, or become a faster learner at school or at work. Perception Reframing increases your ability to choose, it moves you to a position of choice rather than reaction. It can be profound because perception creates personal reality. Every Perception Index (PI) is topic specific. Excess voice energy indicates personal perception of the topic. • Orange indicates a zone with a level three or high excess amount of voice energy. • Blue indicates a zone with a level one or low excess amount of voice energy. • Gray shows the entire voice energy across all zones. • White shows zones containing negligible amounts of voice energy. • Black shows overall excess voice energy. • Green indicates a zone with a level two or medium excess amount of voice energy. • Red indicates a zone with a level four or extreme excess amount of voice energy. Perception Index Zones 1. Unacknowledged 2. Repetitive Thinking 3. Sadness 4. Emotionally Disconnected 5. Self Critical 6. Conditional Love 7. Anger 8. Fearful and Overwhelmed 9. Suppressed Emotions 10. Unworthy / Undeserving 11. Rigid Beliefs 12. Conflicting Beliefs

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